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About This Series

The Bank of Shansi, Chahar & Hopei series of China Communist Banks in the World Currency contains 90 distinct entries.
The Bank of Shansi Chahar & Hobei (SCH) was established in Fuping County, Hebei Province on 20 March 1938. The first manager was Guan Xuewen. In 1945, the head office moved to Zhangjiakou, but in October 1946 reverted back to Fuping County.

Catalog Detail

  Bank of Shansi, Chahar & Hopei Value Range Favorite
Bank of Shansi, Chahar & Hopei Value Range  
10 cents (B23901a, PS3136)
10 cents (B23901b, PS3136)
20 cents (B23902a, PS3137)
50 cents (B23903a, PS3138)
50 cents (B23903b, PS3138)
1 yuan (B23904a, PS3139)
5 yuan (B23905a, PS3140)
枚拾 (10 copper coins) (B23908a, PS3143)

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枚拾貮 (20 copper coins) (B23909a, PS3144)
20 cents (B23913a, PS3151)
50 cents (B23914a, PS3152)
1 yuan (B23915a, PS3147)
2 yuan (B23916a, PS3148)
5 yuan (B23917a, PS3149&PS3149A)
10 yuan (B23919a, PS3156)
50 yuan (B23920a, PS3158)
10 yuan (B23921a, PS3160)
10 yuan (B23921b, PS3160)
50 yuan (B23922a, PS3161)
50 yuan (B23923a, PS3165)
100 yuan (B23924a, PS3166)
500 yuan (B23925a, PS3167)
1,000 yuan (B23926a, PS3168)

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5,000 yuan (B23927a, PS3169)
5,000 yuan (B23927as, PS3169)
5 yuan (B23928a, PS3170)
5 yuan (B23929a, PS3171)
5 yuan (B23929as, PS3171)
10 yuan (B23930a, PNL)
10 yuan (B23931a, PS3172)
10 yuan (B23932a, PS3172A)
10 yuan (B23933a, PS3173)
10 yuan (B23934a, PS3174)
10 yuan (B23935a, PS3174A)
10 yuan (B23936a, PS3174B)
10 yuan (B23936b, PS3174B)
10 yuan (B23937a, PS3174C)
10 yuan (B23937as, PS3174C)

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50 yuan (B23938a, PS3175)
50 yuan (B23938as, PS3175)
50 yuan (B23939a, PS3176)
50 yuan (B23939as, PS3176)
50 yuan (B23940a, PS3177)
50 yuan (B23940as, PS3177)
50 yuan (B23941a, PS3179&PS3179A)
100 yuan (B23942a, PS3180)
100 yuan (B23943a, PS3181&PS3184)
100 yuan (B23945a, PS3182)
100 yuan (B23945as, PS3182)
100 yuan (B23946a, PS3183)
200 yuan (B23947a, PS3185)
200 yuan (B23947as, PS3185)
500 yuan (B23948a, PS3186)

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CDN Sponsors

500 yuan (B23948b, PS3186)
500 yuan (B23948bs, PS3186)
10 yuan (B23949a, PS3190)
50 yuan (B23950a, PS3191)
100 yuan (B23951a, PS3192)
100 yuan (B23951as, PS3192)
100 yuan (B23952a, PS3193)
200 yuan (B23953a, PS3194)
200 yuan (B23953as, PS3194)
200 yuan (B23954a, PS3194A)
200 yuan (B23954as, PS3194A)
500 yuan (B23955a, PS3195)
500 yuan (B23955as, PS3195)
500 yuan (B23956a, PS3196)
500 yuan (B23956b, PS3196)

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CDN Sponsors

500 yuan (B23956as, PS3196)
500 yuan (B23957a, PS3197)
500 yuan (B23957as, PS3197)
500 yuan (B23958a, PS3198)
500 yuan (B23958as, PS3198)
500 yuan (B23959a, PS3199)
500 yuan (B23959b, PS3199)
1,000 yuan (B23960a, PS3200)
1,000 yuan (B23960as, PS3200)
1,000 yuan (B23961a, PS3201)
1,000 yuan (B23962a, PS3205)
1,000 yuan (B23962as, PS3205)
1,000 yuan (B23963a, PS3206)
2,000 yuan (B23964a, PS3207)
2,000 yuan (B23964as, PS3207)

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5,000 yuan (B23965a, PS3208)
5,000 yuan (B23965as, PS3208)
5,000 yuan (B23966a, PS3209)
5,000 yuan (B23966as, PS3209)
5,000 yuan (B23967a, PS3210)
5,000 yuan (B23968a, PS3211)
5,000 yuan (B23968as, PS3211)

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Greysheet Catalog Details

The Bank of Shansi, Chahar & Hopei series of China Communist Banks in the World Currency contains 90 distinct entries.
The Bank of Shansi Chahar & Hobei (SCH) was established in Fuping County, Hebei Province on 20 March 1938. The first manager was Guan Xuewen. In 1945, the head office moved to Zhangjiakou, but in October 1946 reverted back to Fuping County.

Catalog Detail